Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dieting in the New Year!

January is the season for New Year’s Resolutions.

During December as we celebrate all the holidays with gusto devouring all our favorite delicacies and sweet desserts, I don’t hear anyone anticipating their annual New Years Resolutions.

Right on schedule, right after Midnight on New Year’s Eve, we begin to think about what we need to do to shape up for the coming year and most of us are thinking about dieting so we can undo what we have been doing the entire thirty days prior to our change of heart, or should I say, change of diet. 

Let me share with you how I diet.
I diet at the grocery store.

I can stick to this diet because I am a rather lazy person when it comes to satisfying any dietary cravings. If I am hungry for a certain food and it isn’t in my refrigerator or pantry, I won’t jump into the car and drive to the store to get it. I can’t find the motivation or energy to listen to my taste buds that seriously to make a special trip to the grocery store.

My diet consists of driving to the grocery store once a week and buying only the items on my grocery list and nothing more. No impulse buying for me. Well, at least, most of the time I can use my will power to limit my purchases to what I have planned ahead of time to buy.

My grocery list consists of the foods that are healthy and good for me. Sometimes, I add ice cream, but not for every trip, only occasionally.

As a result, my diet consists of having the will power to stick to my shopping list at the grocery and nothing more. Consequently, I only have to do that once a week.

When I am at home, I don’t have to be on a diet. I just eat what is in my house. All the food options in the refrigeration and on the shelves in my pantry are only the foods that I should eat. This removes the emotional stress and strain of trying not to eat something that isn’t on the diet. If it isn’t in the house, then my diet is safe from any ”will power” problems.

My advice on how to diet – just stick to your shopping list at the store and eat all your food in your house.

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